1,002 research outputs found

    Situando cientistas com posições de gênero não normativas no sistema nacional de ciência e tecnologia colombiano

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    Os estudos de gênero e ciência na América Latina questionaram as estruturas desiguais do campo científico tomando como principal eixo de análise uma certa ideia homogênea das mulheres cientistas em oposição a seus colegas homens. Desde estas leituras permaneceram invisíveis questões étnico-raciais e de sexualidade que também configuram o lugar marginal do feminino na ciência. O estudo centrou-se no caso das cientistas colombianas com posições de gênero não normativas, particularmente marcadas por experiências raciais, como a de ser negras ou indígenas, ou pelas experiências de minoria com respeito à sua sexualidade, como ser lésbicas, com o propósito de analisar suas narrativas de autoposicionamento diante do sistema colombiano de ciência e tecnologia por parte destas cientistas. Metodologicamente, estas narrativas foram coletadas através de entrevistas de caráter etnográfico a 19 cientistas em diferentes regiões do país. Os resultados obtidos revelam que o campo científico está atravessado pelo gênero, de maneira ambígua. O estudo conclui que estas cientistas se percebem à margem da estrutura de prestígio que caracteriza o sistema de ciência, mas também posicionam seu trabalho reconhecendo que suas marcas minoritárias reconfiguram o ethos científico através de uma ética do cuidado particular.Los resultados obtenidos revelan que el campo científico está atravesado por el género, de manera ambigua. El estudio concluye que estas científicas se perciben al margen de la estructura de prestigio que caracteriza al sistema de ciencia, pero también posicionan su trabajo reconociendo que sus marcas minoritarias reconfiguran el ethos científico a través de una ética del cuidado particular.Los estudios de género y ciencia en América Latina han cuestionado las estructuras inequitativas del campo científico tomando como principal eje de análisis una cierta idea homogénea de las mujeres científicas en oposición a sus colegas varones. Desde estas lecturas se han vuelto invisibles cuestiones étnico-raciales y de sexualidad que también configuran el lugar marginal de lo femenino en la ciencia. El estudio se centró en el caso de científicas colombianas con posiciones de género no normativas, particularmente marcadas por experiencias de racialización, como el ser negras o indígenas, o por experiencias de minorización en relación con su sexualidad, como el ser lesbianas, con el propósito de analizar sus narrativas de auto-posicionamiento frente al sistema colombiano de ciencia y tecnología por parte de estas científicas. Metodológicamente, estas narrativas fueron recogidas a través de entrevistas de carácter etnográfico a 19 científicas en diferentes regiones del país. Gender and science studies in Latin America have questioned the unequal structures of the scientific field in the region using as analytical pivot a particular and homogeneous idea of women scientist as opposed to men scientist. From these analytical approaches aspects such as ethnicity, race and sexuality, which are central to the shaping of the feminine condition as something marginal to the scientific field, have become invisible. In this study we focus on the case of Colombian women scientist whit non-normative gender positions shaped by experiences of racialization such as being black or indigenous, or experiences of minoritization in relation to their sexuality such as being lesbian, with the purpose of analyzing their narratives of self-positioning in relation to the Colombian national system of science and technology. Methodologically these narratives were collected through ethnographic interviews to 19 women scientists from different regions of the country. The results reveal that science and technology fields are gendered in ambiguous ways. The study concludes that these women scientists see themselves as marginal to the structure of prestige that characterizes the system; but they also position their work by acknowledging that their minority marks reshape the scientific ethos through a particular ethics of care

    Feminist Disruptions in Mexican Art, 1975 - 1987

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    Between 1975 and 1987 feminism in the arts in Mexico delineated a unique situation, one without parallel in the panorama of Latin American art. In a group of exhibitions, works and texts, women's place in Mexican art was critically analyzed, unfolding a broad map of positions. Although a chronology and list of names of the artists who shaped this scenario have been established, the intervention that each work proposed in the debate on women's place and the feminine that gained visibility during those years has not yet been examined. Based on a situated analysis of these works, this article proposes to discuss these works' intervention in configuring how the debate on artistic feminism took shape during this period in Mexico.Fil: Giunta, Andrea Graciela. University of Texas at Austin; Estados Unidos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin

    Let me tell you our story: On how women in my family disrupt menstrual tales in the process of telling stories.

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    This investigation focuses on the intergenerational (grandmother – mother – daughter) transmission of menstrual stories on three generations of women in my family, finding differences, over time, in how menstrual stories are acquired by each generation and how the event of menarche and menstruation is experienced, embodied and interpreted. As such, this thesis identifies and analyses hegemonic menstrual tales such as myths, rituals, taboos, secrets, routines, practices, and discourses that negatively shape the stories women in my family tell about menstruation. Through an examination of research literature about menstruation and the analysis of individual interviews, five dominant tales were found that, although not new, need to be examined as an important discursive approach in which women in my family construct their menstrual understandings and embodiments. As an alternative, this thesis proposes intergenerational storytelling as a narrative strategy that offers discursive ways to challenge and subvert these hegemonic tales. Through an exploration of recent production of interdisciplinary feminist storytelling and performance and performativity theories, this investigation underlines the potential of stories’ performativity to describe opportunities to challenge, resist and counter –story dominant discourses of menstruation. This resulted in five alternative stories that bring together broader questions related to menstrual experience, and how its embodiment and meanings are importantly constructed through male dominated expectations of women’s bodies and behaviours. Ultimately, this thesis contributes to the feminist sociolinguistic field by promoting women’s intergenerational storytelling as a (re)generative narrative practice that challenges and subverts patriarchal discourses that harm women’s relations with their bodies. But most importantly, intergenerational storytelling offers broader comprehension of the importance of hearing women’s voices as a form of narrative resistance. In my family case, as a narrative strategy used to repair bodily stories, blood stories and blood relations.Esta investigación se enfoca en la transmisión intergeneracional de historias menstruales en tres generaciones de mujeres en mi familia, encontrando diferencias, en la forma en que la menstruación es experimentada, vivida, encarnada e interpretada en cada generación. De esta forma, esta tesis identifica y analiza cuentos hegemónicos: mitos, ritos, tabúes, secretos, rutinas, prácticas y discursos sobre la menstruación que impactan de forma negativa la forma en que las mujeres de mi familia cuentan sus historias menstruales. A través de una examinación rigurosa de literatura sobre menstruación y el análisis de entrevistas personales, cinco cuentos dominantes fueron encontrados, que aunque no nuevos, necesitan ser examinados como formas discursivas que afectan los significados y la experiencia vivida de la menstruación en nuestra familia. Como alternativa, esta tesis propone la trasmisión intergeneracional de historias como una estrategia narrativa que ofrece nuevas formas para retar y subvertir cuentos hegemónicos. A través de la exploración de teorías feministas interdisciplinarias sobre performatividad y performance; así como de la importancia narrativa de la trasmisión de historias, esta investigación destaca el potencial de la performatividad para describir estrategias y prácticas narrativas que desmantelan y ofrecen oportunidades de resistencia. Esto resulta en historias alternativas con respecto a la experiencia menstrual, cuestionando cómo ésta es encarnada y significada a través del lenguaje y discursos patriarcales. Finalmente, esta tesis contribuye al campo feminista de la sociolingüística al promover el intercambio generacional de historias de mujeres como una práctica poderosa y (re)generativa que reta y subvierte discursos que dañan las relaciones entre mujeres, y entre ellas y sus cuerpos; y que puede ser utilizada para reparar historias menstruales, historias familiares y lazos de sangre.MÁSTER ERASMUS MUNDUS GEMMA. VIII EDICIÓ

    Can the Experience of Participatory Development Help Think Critically about ‘Patient and Public Involvement’ in UK Healthcare?

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    The expansion of spaces for ‘patient and public involvement’ (PPI) in health systems in the UK is a relatively recent phenomenon, and yet ‘participation’ as a principle for planned interventions in international development is well established as a field of practice and controversy. Development workers and scholars have passed through moments of enchantment and disenchantment with the idea that the true source of innovation, expertise and workable (and sustainable) solutions is to be found not in the professionals but in communities of experience. Making ‘local knowledge’ the basis of interventions has proved unexpectedly problematic. How could incommensurable forms of knowing, across steep gradients of power be bridged? This article describes a decade-long experiment in participatory development in a remote Adivasi (tribal) region of western India in order to suggest the relevance of this experience for the very different context of PPI in healthcare settings. In particular, it highlights some general points about knowledge practices at the interface, and the human tendency to adjust, mirror, mimic, loop and in other ways make the ‘patient-professional’ interface itself hard to navigate. The article suggests that self-reflective insight into these social processes is necessary for effective ‘engagement’ by professional and lay actors alike

    Translating Global Nature: Territoriality, Environmental Discourses, and Ecocultural Identities

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    In this study, I explore environmental discourses circulating among Indigenous transboundary organizations working on environmental initiatives at the border between Ecuador and Colombia. I focus on three global environmental discourses –sustainability, development, and climate change– as they are at the core of the global environmental governance vernacular. La Gran Familia Awá Binacional (GFAB), one of the few transboundary Indigenous organizations working along the binational border, utilizes these global concepts to frame their environmental initiatives and projects. I use a critical and interpretive qualitative approach to investigate, deconstruct, and rearticulate global environmental discourses circulating among and translated by two of the organizations forming the GFAB: Federación de Centros Awá del Ecuador (FCAE) and Unidad Indígena del Pueblo Awá (UNIPA) from Colombia. I conducted in-depth interviews with cultural and political elites working in, or related to, these Awá organizations. I analyze interview texts, Awá organizations’ community-based plans, official government documents, and NGOs reports to understand (1) How does the GFAB understand, construct, and reproduce their relationships with their territories?; (2) How does the GFAB translate the global environmental discourses of development, sustainability, and climate change at the level of the communities with which this organization works?; and (3) What are the politics of identity, ecocultural identities and positionings, that emerge from Awá’s translation of and engagement with development, sustainability, and climate change within Awá’s territoriality? To answer these questions, I investigate how transboundary Indigenous communities construct a sense of territory, navigate global environmental discourses, and negotiate multiple ecocultural identities. I describe the articulations among relationships and principles that configure Awá’s territoriality. Then, I situate the notion of translation in relation to Awá’s territory, katza su, to explore the system of meanings implicated in Awá’s translation of the global environmental discourses of development, sustainability, and climate change. I illustrate how Awá recontextualize and emplace these discourses once they enter the material and discursive realm of Awá’s territoriality. Finally, I further the notion of territory and territoriality to investigate the formation of Awá, mestizos, and Afros’ ecocultural identities. I illustrate how two dialectics, insider-outsider and respect-disrespect, work in the discursive positioning of these populations as restorative or unwholesome ecocultural identities. In closing, I propose a rhizomatic situational analysis framework to map factors, forces, and processes, and demonstrate its applicability by presenting a situational analysis of the Awá binational Indigenous people. The rhizome illuminates Awá’s translation of development, sustainability, and climate change, and the ecocultural identities that emerge through processes of translation. I end with some recommendations to rethink identity-based mediation in environmental conflicts, explore transversal forms of communication, agency, and dissent, and further processes of environmental peacebuilding at the border between Ecuador and Colombia

    Who Cares? Proceedings of the 8th Biannual Nordic Design Research Society

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    NORDES 2019 is the 8th biannual conference of the Nordic Design Research Society co-hosted by two Finnish institutions: Aalto University and University of Lapland. Convened in 2005, the society is an informal network of people inter- ested in design research. NORDES convenes biannual conferences and, on opposite years, biannual summer schools. Who Cares? This question is a provocation for design research. What do, or should, we care about in design and design research today? Underpinning the question are issues of culture and agency – who cares, for whom, and how Taking care, or being cared for, evokes the choice of roles, and processes of interaction, co-creation and even decision-making. Caring, as a verb, emphasizes care as intention, action and labor in relation to others. Care can be understood as concern for that beyond oneself, for others and, thus, human, societal and even material and ecological rela- tions are at stake. The question of care is also a call for questioning relationships, participation and responsibility, democratic and sustainable ways of co-existing. From this expansive societal standpoint, we could even ask who cares about design? And what should we do about it? The 8th biennial NORDES conference poses the question, “who cares?”, exploring related questions, issues and propositions concerning responsibilities, relationships, ways of doing and directing design today. Ramia Mazé edited the published proceedings of this conference

    Reterritorializing conflicting urban natures : Socio-ecological inequalities and the politics of spatial planning in Bogotá

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    Bogotá (Colombia) en su historia reciente ha enfrentado varios desafíos y conflictos ambientales que han ido de la mano con la posibilidad de re-imaginar un entorno urbano-rural menos hostil y más ecológico. A pesar de muchos inconvenientes, fragmentación social, política e institucional, dicha posibilidad ha estado presente y viva durante las últimas tres décadas entre diferentes grupos sociales a través de prácticas democráticas situadas en procesos de planificación y ordenamiento territorial. Dichas prácticas a su vez se relacionan con asuntos como la estructura ecológica local y regional. Esta tesis doctoral se propuso analizar un conjunto de conflictos ambientales contemporáneos en torno al ordenamiento del territorio y la naturaleza urbana en Bogotá (1990 a la actualidad). Al analizar casos de conflicto ambiental como la urbanización especulativa o con fines de lucro sobre áreas protegidas, actividades extractivas por materiales de construcción o el impacto de áreas de rellenos sanitarios en territorios urbanos-rurales, la investigación analizó las prácticas de planificación y ordenamiento territorial para repensarlas como una tarea política colectiva que apunta a prácticas más democráticas, y no sólo como un deber exclusivo de planificadores. Me propuse demostrar cómo los procesos de planificación y ordenamiento y su vínculo con asuntos ecológicos, son una fuente de conflicto ambiental y están a su vez relacionados con varias desigualdades socio-ecológicas. La cuestión clave es comprender la dialéctica entre los conflictos y la ordenación del territorio en un contexto de alta complejidad y biodiversidad.This doctoral dissertation analyzes a set of contemporary environmental conflicts around spatial planning and urban nature in Bogotá, Colombia (1990–present day). In this research I ask what the relations are between the spatial planning processes of recent history and contemporary urban environmental conflicts. To answer this, I focus on three questions. What have the specific roles of the government authorities, civil society, and different social actors been in the processes of urban planning and environmental concerns in Bogotá in recent decades? What have the environmental and social impacts of planning policies in Bogotá’s ecosystems been during the same timeframe? How have socio-ecological inequalities in the city been linked with Bogota’s spatial planning? This dissertation therefore analyzes the dialectic between conflict and spatial planning, exploring how urban nature and spatial planning processes are a source of environmental conflict related to socio-ecological inequalities in Bogotá. In this study I scrutinize environmental conflict as a key notion for identifying more productive ways of approaching such a dialectic in the production of urban territory. Although Bogotá’s region has faced several environmental challenges and inequalities, the possibility of reimagining a more just urban nature along with the conflicts and through situated knowledge has been alive in the last three decades among different social groups in planning practices. This research is situated in the Political Ecology of Urbanization (PEU) and adopts some elements of urban environmental history, establishing a dialogue between the analysis of qualitative research material with existing information from fields such as ecology and physical geography. Therefore, this doctoral dissertation introduces a historical reconstruction about the conflicting visions around urban nature in Bogotá in the last decades. The documentation of the visions over urban nature offers an empirical basis for the design of an alternative roadmap for the understanding and management of environmental conflicts related to (spatial) planning and urban nature in the Bogotá region and beyond.Finlandi

    Digital agriculture' implications for small farmers : evidence from Colombia

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    Digital agriculture proposes to revolutionize the processes of production, marketing, and consumption within food systems through the use of tools that collect, store, analyze, and share information digitally. While its proponents emphasize potential benefits, such as improved technical efficiency, resource allocation, and reduced transaction costs, the understanding of the risks and challenges associated with its implementation remains limited. This qualitative study focuses on exploring the social and ethical implications of digital agriculture technologies and their specific impact on small-scale farmers. Digital agriculture operates at the intersection of technology and food systems, presenting a critical challenge due to the non-neutrality of technology intersecting with an already highly concentrated, centralized, and globalized food system. Understanding how these technologies can effectively serve resource-limited small-scale farmers and prevent further marginalization is urgent. This study investigates the current state of digital agriculture technologies available in Colombia and analyzes the perspectives of Colombian promoters regarding the promises, dangers, and implications of these technologies. The review of the Colombian case reveals an emerging sector with a variety of digital products and services, driven by a mix of public and private actors, including startups, medium-sized enterprises, and large corporations. The perspectives of Colombian promoters predominantly align with an optimistic narrative, emphasizing the positive outcomes of efficiency and productivity for adopting farmers. This thesis provides applicable knowledge for academia, practitioners, and the community alike. Its aim is to empower those with less power and agency, especially small-scale farmers, by shedding light on the broader implications of digital agriculture that must be taken into account. This work underscores the importance of addressing access to these technologies and implementing appropriate governance to ensure equitable distribution of benefits within the agricultural sector.Includes bibliographical references

    Ciência da ignorância ou ignorância da ciência? Agnotologia e Ladinoamefricanidade a partir de experiências brasileiras e colombianas

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    This article, of a theoretical / methodological nature, interpretative and bibliographical, aims to provide a critical discussion about the cult of ignorance and ignorance of knowledge, starting from examples of socio - historical facts occurred mainly in Brazilian and Colombian territory. The research problem is based on the following question: who or what social groups, ignoring questions of gender and ethnicity / race, while thinking about the knowledge produced in universities and the formation of future academics, contribute not only to perpetuate the ignorance of science hidden by neutrality, impartiality, and objectivity, but also not to allow certain subjects to enter these spaces? In order to meet the proposed objective and the research problem, among other concepts, the concept of Agnotology and Ladinoamefricanidade, presented by the American scientist Robert Proctor and the Brazilian scientist Lélia Gonzáles, are presented. It is understood that these two articulated concepts offer other possibilities of questioning, as subjects, society, and academia: how long will the ignorances of science be promoted from the science of ignorance?Este texto, de naturaleza teórica / metodológica, interpretativa y bibliográfica, tiene como objetivo proporcionar una discusión crítica sobre el culto a la ignorancia y la ignorancia del conocimiento, a partir de ejemplos de hechos socio históricos, que ocurrieron principalmente en el territorio brasileño y colombiano. El problema de investigación se basa en la siguiente pregunta: ¿quién o qué grupos sociales, al ignorar cuestiones de género y etnia / raza, mientras piensan en el conocimiento producido en las universidades y en la formación de futuros académicos, contribuyen no solo en perpetuar la ignorancia oculta de la ciencia por el discurso de la neutralidad, imparcialidad y objetividad, pero también para no permitir que ciertos sujetos estén en estos espacios? Para cumplir con el objetivo y el problema de investigación propuestos en este artículo, además de otros conceptos, se presenta el concepto de agnotología y ladinoamefricanidade, presentado por el científico americano Robert Proctor y por la científica brasileña Lélia Gonzáles. Se entiende que estos dos conceptos articulados ofrecen otras posibilidades de cuestionarse, como sujetos, sociedad y academia: Además, ¿durante cuánto tiempo se promoverá la ignorancia de la ciencia a partir de la ciencia de la ignorancia?Este texto, de natureza teórico/metodológica interpretativa e bibliográfica, objetiva tecer uma discussão crítica acerca do culto à ignorância e da ignorância do conhecimento, partindo de exemplos de fatos sócio/históricos ocorridos principalmente em território brasileiro e colombiano. A problemática está fundamentada na seguinte pergunta: quem ou que grupos sociais, ao ignorar questões de gênero e etnia/raça, enquanto pensar o conhecimento produzido nas universidades e formação de futuros acadêmicos, contribuem não só para perpetuar a ignorância da ciência disfarçada pela neutralidade, imparcialidade e objetividade, mas também para não permitir que certos sujeitos adentrem nestes espaços? Para atender ao objetivo e problemática propostos, dentre outros conceitos, são apresentados o conceito de agnotologia e de ladinoamefricanidade, pensados pelo estadunidense Robert Proctor e pela brasileira Lélia Gonzáles respectivamente. Entende-se que estes dois conceitos articulados oferecem possibilidades outras de se questionar, enquanto sujeitos, sociedade e academia: Afinal, até quando será promovida a ignorância da ciência a partir da ciência da ignorância